Publication List


T Nishikawa, F Ohka, K Aoki, H Suzuki, K Motomura, J Yamaguchi et al. (2023) Easy-to-use machine learning system for the prediction of IDH mutation and 1p/19q codeletion using MRI images of adult-type diffuse gliomas, Brain Tumor Pathology, 40 (2), 85-92


Y Sugihara, L Young, H Yaegashi, S Natsume, DJ Shea, H Takagi et al. (2022) High-performance pipeline for MutMap and QTL-seq, PeerJ, 10, e13170

RA Veitia, H Innan (2022) Pathogenic “germline” variants associated with myeloproliferative disorders in apparently normal individuals: Inherited or acquired genetic alterations?, Clinical Genetics, 101 (3), 371-374

T Sakamoto, H Innan (2022) Muller’s ratchet of the Y chromosome with gene conversion, Genetics, 220 (1), iyab204

S Natsume, Y Sugihara, A Kudoh, K Oikawa, M Shimizu, Y Ishikawa et al. (2022) Genome Analysis Revives a Forgotten Hybrid Crop Edo-dokoro in the Genus Dioscorea, Plant and Cell Physiology, 63 (11), 1667-1678

KK Takahashi, H Innan (2022) Frequent somatic gene conversion as a mechanism for loss of heterozygosity in tumor suppressor genes, Genome Research, 32 (6), 1017-1025

B Guo, M Zou, T Sakamoto, H Innan (2022) Functional Innovation through Gene Duplication Followed by Frameshift Mutation, Genes, 13 (2), 190

X Wang, K Uematsu, A O'Rourke, T Akita, K Kimura, Y Tomaru et al. (2022) A Novel Bacterial Speciation Process Observed in a Symbiotic Marine Population, bioRxiv, 2022.06. 15.496264

Y Takeuchi, H Ohtsuki, H Innan (2022) Non‐zero‐sum neutrality test for the tropical rain forest community using long‐term between‐census data, Ecology and evolution, 12 (1), e8462

Y Otake, H Innan, H Ohtsuki, J Urabe, K Yamada, T Yoshida (2022) Population genetic dynamics during colonisation and establishment of an obligate parthenogenetic Daphnia pulex population in a small lake of a continental …, Freshwater Biology, 67 (8), 1428-1438

T Sakamoto, H Innan (2022) On the Origin of Phenotypic Plasticity, ,

D Govindaraju, H Innan (2022) Mutation Load and Aging, Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging, 3365-3370

B Diway, Y Yasui, H Innan, Y Takeuchi (2022) New locality and bud growth of the world biggest flower, Rafflesia tuan-mudae, in Naha Jaley, Sarawak, Malaysia, Tropics, 30 (4), 71-82

WM Iwasaki, K Aoki, R Sugino, A Natsume, H Innan (2022) Simulating Cancer Evolution and Intratumor Heterogeneity Reveals the Optimal Number of Biopsy Samples for NGS-Based Cancer Gene Testing, Available at SSRN, 4191903


C Glenfield, H Innan (2021) Gene duplication and gene fusion are important drivers of tumourigenesis during cancer evolution, Genes, 12 (9), 1376

S Sakimura, S Nagayama, M Fukunaga, Q Hu, A Kitagawa, Y Kobayashi et al. (2021) Impaired tumor immune response in metastatic tumors is a selective pressure for neutral evolution in CRC cases, PLoS genetics, 17 (1), e1009113

JA Fawcett, H Innan, T Tsuchiya, F Sato (2021) Effect of advancing age on the reproductive performance of Japanese Thoroughbred broodmares, Journal of equine science, 32 (2), 31-37

H Innan, D Vaiman, RA Veitia (2021) Predictable increase in female reproductive window: A simple model connecting age of reproduction, menopause, and longevity, BioEssays, 43 (5), 2000233

H Innan, T Sakamoto (2021) Multi-dimensional diffusion process of allele frequencies in population genetics, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B, 97 (3), 134-143

T Sakamoto, H Innan (2021) Establishment of a new sex-determining allele driven by sexually antagonistic selection, G, G3 11 (1), jkaa031


Y Sugihara, K Darkwa, H Yaegashi, S Natsume, M Shimizu, A Abe et al. (2020) Genome analyses reveal the hybrid origin of the staple crop white Guinea yam (Dioscorea rotundata), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (50), 31987-31992

DR Govindaraju, H Innan, RA Veitia (2020) The Muller’s ratchet and aging, Trends in Genetics, 36 (6), 395-402

A Niida, T Hasegawa, H Innan, T Shibata, K Mimori, S Miyano (2020) A unified simulation model for understanding the diversity of cancer evolution, PeerJ, 8, e8842

H Innan, R Veitia, DR Govindaraju (2020) Genetic and epigenetic Muller’s ratchet as a mechanism of frailty and morbidity during aging: a demographic genetic model, Human Genetics, 139, 409-420

T Sakamoto, H Innan (2020) Establishment process of a magic trait allele subject to both divergent selection and assortative mating, Theoretical Population Biology, 135, 9-18

KK Takahashi, H Innan (2020) Duplication with structural modification through extrachromosomal circular and lariat DNA in the human genome, Scientific Reports, 10 (1), 7150

Y Sugihara, K Darkwa, H Yaegashi, S Natsume, M Shimizu, A Abe et al. (2020) Genome analyses reveal the hybrid origin of the staple food crop white Guinea yam, bioRxiv, 2020.07. 14.202564

WM Iwasaki, TE Kijima, H Innan (2020) Population genetics and molecular evolution of DNA sequences in transposable elements. II. Accumulation of variation and evolution of a new subfamily, Molecular biology and evolution, 37 (2), 355-364


T Sakamoto, H Innan (2019) The evolutionary dynamics of a genetic barrier to gene flow: From the establishment to the emergence of a peak of divergence, Genetics, 212 (4), 1383-1398

JA Fawcett, F Sato, T Sakamoto, WM Iwasaki, T Tozaki, H Innan (2019) Genome-wide SNP analysis of Japanese Thoroughbred racehorses, PLoS One, 14 (7), e0218407

JA Fawcett, H Innan (2019) The role of gene conversion between transposable elements in rewiring regulatory networks, Genome biology and evolution, 11 (7), 1723-1729

T Sakamoto, H Innan (2019) Theoretical Expression for the Evolution of Genomic Island of Speciation: From Its Birth to Preservation, bioRxiv, 545103


Y Okamoto, WM Iwasaki, K Kugou, KK Takahashi, A Oda, K Sato et al. (2018) Replication stress induces accumulation of FANCD2 at central region of large fragile genes, Nucleic acids research, 46 (6), 2932-2944

T Kado, H Innan (2018) Horizontal gene transfer in five parasite plant species in Orobanchaceae, Genome Biology and Evolution, 10 (12), 3196-3210

A Niida, WM Iwasaki, H Innan (2018) Neutral theory in cancer cell population genetics, Molecular biology and evolution, 35 (6), 1316-1321

T Akita, S Takuno, H Innan (2018) Coalescent framework for prokaryotes undergoing interspecific homologous recombination, Heredity, 120 (5), 474-484

DR Govindaraju, H Innan (2018) Muller’s ratchet as a mechanism of frailty and multimorbidity, bioRxiv, 439877


H Ohtsuki, H Innan (2017) Forward and backward evolutionary processes and allele frequency spectrum in a cancer cell population, Theoretical Population Biology, 117, 43-50

WM Iwasaki, H Innan (2017) Simulation framework for generating intratumor heterogeneity patterns in a cancer cell population, PloS one, 12 (9), e0184229

T Sakamoto, JA Fawcett, H Innan (2017) Evaluating the potential roles of the Gray and Extension loci in the coat coloration of Thoroughbred racing horses, Journal of equine science, 28 (2), 61-65

AS Yashima, H Innan (2017) varver: a database of microsatellite variation in vertebrates, Molecular ecology resources, 17 (4), 824-833

H Ohtsuki, H Innan (2017) Allele Frequency Spectrum in a Cancer Cell Population, bioRxiv, 104158

T Akita, S Takuno, H Innan (2017) The coalescent for prokaryotes with homologous recombination from external source, bioRxiv, 151308

K Crandall, J de Meaux, A Di Rienzo, J Dudley, D Falush, B Gaut, S Ge et al. (2017) Molecul Biology Evolut, ,

B Gaut, S Ge, T Gojobori, M Gouy, M Hahn, SB Hedges, B Henn et al. (2017) Molecul Biology Evolut, ,

M Barlow, K Crandall, J de Meaux, A Di Rienzo, J Dudley, D Falush et al. (2017) Molecul Biology Evolut, ,


JA Fawcett, H Innan (2016) High similarity between distantly related species of a plant SINE family is consistent with a scenario of vertical transmission without horizontal transfers, Molecular biology and evolution, 33 (10), 2593-2604

AS Yashima, H Innan (2016) Genetic Variations of the marine fishes and the freshwater fishes, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 91 (6), 370-370

M Barlow, K Crandall, J de Meaux, A Di Rienzo, J Dudley, D Falush et al. (2016) Molecul Biology Evolut, ,


Y Takeuchi, H Innan (2015) Evaluating the performance of neutrality tests of a local community using a niche‐structured simulation model, Oikos, 124 (9), 1203-1214

JA Fawcett, H Innan (2015) Spreading good news, Elife, 4, e07108

JA Fawcett, H Innan (2015) Spreading good news Gene conversion has a central role in the evolutionary fine-tuning of regulatory elements in the fruit fly Drosophila miranda., ELIFE, 4

J Fawcett, H Innan (2015) Evolution of the Au SINE retrotransposon in plant genomes, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 90 (6), 409-409

B Gaut, T Gojobori, M Gouy, X Gu, M Hahn, B Hedges, R Hernandez et al. (2015) Molecul Biology Evolut, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 32 (9)


M Ito, K Kugou, JA Fawcett, S Mura, S Ikeda, H Innan, K Ohta (2014) Meiotic recombination cold spots in chromosomal cohesion sites, Genes to Cells, 19 (5), 359-373

JA Fawcett, T Iida, S Takuno, RP Sugino, T Kado, K Kugou, S Mura et al. (2014) Population Genomics of the Fission Yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, PloS one, 9 (8), e104241

A Tezuka, S Kasagi, C Van Oosterhout, M McMullan, WM Iwasaki et al. (2014) Divergent selection for opsin gene variation in guppy (Poecilia reticulata) populations of Trinidad and Tobago, Heredity, 113 (5), 381-389

N Kutsukake, H Innan (2014) Detecting phenotypic selection by approximate bayesian computation in phylogenetic comparative methods, Modern Phylogenetic Comparative Methods and Their Application in …,

B Gaut, T Gojobori, M Gouy, X Gu, M Hahn, B Hedges, R Hernandez et al. (2014) Molecul Biology Evolut, ,

J de Meaux, A Di Rienzo, J Dudley, D Falush, B Gaut, T Gojobori, M Gouy et al. (2014) Molecul Biology Evolut, ,


H Takagi, A Abe, K Yoshida, S Kosugi, S Natsume, C Mitsuoka, A Uemura et al. (2013) QTL‐seq: rapid mapping of quantitative trait loci in rice by whole genome resequencing of DNA from two bulked populations, The Plant Journal, 74 (1), 174-183

N Kutsukake, H Innan (2013) Simulation‐based likelihood approach for evolutionary models of phenotypic traits on phylogeny, Evolution, 67 (2), 355-367

JA Fawcett, H Innan (2013) The role of gene conversion in preserving rearrangement hotspots in the human genome, Trends in Genetics, 29 (10), 561-568

TE Kijima, H Innan (2013) Population genetics and molecular evolution of DNA sequences in transposable elements. I. A simulation framework, Genetics, 195 (3), 957-967

JA Fawcett, T Kado, E Sasaki, S Takuno, K Yoshida, RP Sugino, S Kosugi et al. (2013) QTL map meets population genomics: an application to rice, PLoS One, 8 (12), e83720

K Ezawa, H Innan (2013) Competition between the sperm of a single male can increase the evolutionary rate of haploid expressed genes, Genetics, 194 (3), 709-719

K Ezawa, H Innan (2013) Theoretical framework of population genetics with somatic mutations taken into account: application to copy number variations in humans, Heredity, 111 (5), 364-374

E Sasaki, RP Sugino, H Innan (2013) The linkage method: a novel approach for SNP detection and haplotype reconstruction from a single diploid individual using next-generation sequence data, Molecular biology and evolution, 30 (9), 2187-2196

T Akita, S Takuno, H Innan (2013) The coalescent with bacterial homologous recombination from different species, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 88 (6), 386-386

T Kijima, H Innan (2013) The relationship between insertional polymorphism and sequence diversity of transposable elements, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 88 (6), 360-360

J de Meaux, A Di Rienzo, J Dudley, D Falush, B Gaut, T Gojobori, M Gouy et al. (2013) Molecul Biology Evolut, ,

J Akey, R Bush, DL Crawford, CF Delwiche, A Di Renzo, J Dudley et al. (2013) Molecul Biology Evolut, ,


A Abe, S Kosugi, K Yoshida, S Natsume, H Takagi, H Kanzaki et al. (2012) Genome sequencing reveals agronomically important loci in rice using MutMap, Nature biotechnology, 30 (2), 174-178

S Takuno, T Kado, RP Sugino, L Nakhleh, H Innan (2012) Population Genomics in Bacteria: A Case Study of Staphylococcus aureus, Molecular biology and evolution, 29 (2), 797-809

S Takuno, R Terauchi, H Innan (2012) The power of QTL mapping with RILs, Public Library of Science, 7 (10), e46545

M Yamamichi, H Innan (2012) Estimating the migration rate from genetic variation data, Heredity, 108 (4), 362

M Yamamichi, J Gojobori, H Innan (2012) An autosomal analysis gives no genetic evidence for complex speciation of humans and chimpanzees, Molecular biology and evolution, 29 (1), 145-156

KM Teshima, H Innan (2012) The coalescent with selection on copy number variants, Genetics, 190 (3), 1077-1086

RP Sugino, H Innan (2012) Natural selection on gene order in the genome reorganization process after whole-genome duplication of yeast, Molecular biology and evolution, 29 (1), 71-79

T Akita, S Takuno, H Innan (2012) Modeling evolutionary growth of a microRNA-mediated regulation system, Journal of theoretical biology, 311, 54-65

E Sasaki, RP Sugino, H Innan (2012) A novel approach for SNP detection in next generation sequence data, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 87 (6), 403-403

H Innan (2012) Population genetic theory for duplicated genes, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 87 (6), 378-378

J Fawcett, H Innan (2012) Structural evolution of the human genome mediated by highly similar duplicated sequences undergoing gene conversion, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 87 (6), 417-417

J Akey, R Bush, DL Crawford, CF Delwiche, A Di Renzo, AJ Drummond et al. (2012) MBE, ,

F Brunet, H Innan, BY Liao, W Wang (2012) Molecular evolutionary routes that lead to innovations, International Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2012


K Asano, M Yamasaki, S Takuno, K Miura, S Katagiri, T Ito, K Doi, J Wu et al. (2011) Artificial selection for a green revolution gene during japonica rice domestication, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108 (27), 11034-11039

SP Mansai, T Kado, H Innan (2011) The rate and tract length of gene conversion between duplicated genes, Genes, 2 (2), 313-331

JA Fawcett, H Innan (2011) Neutral and non-neutral evolution of duplicated genes with gene conversion, Genes, 2 (1), 191-209

H Kitao, I Nanda, RP Sugino, A Kinomura, M Yamazoe, H Arakawa et al. (2011) FancJ/Brip1 helicase protects against genomic losses and gains in vertebrate cells, Genes to Cells, 16 (6), 714-727

S Takuno, H Innan (2011) Selection Fine-Tunes the Expression of MicroRNA Target Genes in Arabidopsis thaliana, Molecular biology and evolution, 28 (9), 2429-2434

H Innan (2011) Gene conversion in duplicated genes, Genes, 2 (2), 394-396

T Akita, H Innan (2011) Modeling a growth of microRNA-mediated regulation systems in plants, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 86 (6), 428-428

T Kado, E Sasaiu, K Yoshida, JA Fawcett, R Sugino, S Takuno, S Kosugi et al. (2011) Identification of domesticated genomic regions in rice based on population genomic analysis, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 86 (6), 438-438

R Terauchi, A Abe, S Kosugi, K Yoshida, S Natsume, H Takagi, H Kanzaki et al. (2011) Identifying rice genes by WGS: use of large scale mutant lines and RILs, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 86 (6), 382-382

T Kijima, H Innan (2011) Reconstruction of the evolutionary history of transposable elements, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 86 (6), 440-440

M YAMAMICHI, H INNAN (2011) 始めよう! エコゲノミクス (6) 自然選択の検出 (その 2), 日本生態学会誌, 61 (2), 237-249

P Beldade, A Briscoe, R Bush, CD Bustamante, DL Crawford et al. (2011) MBE, ,


H Innan, F Kondrashov (2010) The evolution of gene duplications: classifying and distinguishing between models, Nature Reviews Genetics, 11 (2), 97-108

T Hiwatashi, Y Okabe, T Tsutsui, C Hiramatsu, AD Melin, H Oota et al. (2010) An explicit signature of balancing selection for color-vision variation in new world monkeys, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 27 (2), 453-464

TE Kijima, H Innan (2010) On the estimation of the insertion time of LTR retrotransposable elements, Molecular biology and evolution, 27 (4), 896-904

JR Arguello, Y Zhang, T Kado, C Fan, R Zhao, H Innan, W Wang, M Long (2010) Recombination Yet Inefficient Selection along the Drosophila melanogaster Subgroup's Fourth Chromosome, Molecular biology and evolution, 27 (4), 848-861

SP Mansai, H Innan (2010) The power of the methods for detecting interlocus gene conversion, Genetics, 184 (2), 517-527

K Teshima, H Innan (2010) Pattern of polymorphism of recent gene duplications and CNVs, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 85 (6), 440-440

S Kawamura, T Hiwatashi, Y Okabe, T Tsutsui, C Hiramatsu, M AD et al. (2010) A POPULATION GENETIC TEST OF BALANCING SELECTION FOR COLOR VISION VARIATION IN NEW WORLD MONKEYS, Primate Research Supplement International Primatological Society, 471-471


Y Takahashi, KM Teshima, S Yokoi, H Innan, K Shimamoto (2009) Variations in Hd1 proteins, Hd3a promoters, and Ehd1 expression levels contribute to diversity of flowering time in cultivated rice, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106 (11), 4555-4560

H Innan (2009) Population genetic models of duplicated genes, Genetica, 137 (1), 19-37

KM Teshima, H Innan (2009) mbs: modifying Hudson's ms software to generate samples of DNA sequences with a biallelic site under selection, BMC bioinformatics, 10, 1-4

J Gojobori, H Innan (2009) Potential of fish opsin gene duplications to evolve new adaptive functions, Trends in Genetics, 25 (5), 198-202

L Nakhleh, D Ruths, H Innan (2009) Gene trees, species trees, and species networks, Meta-analysis and combining information in genetics and genomics, 275-293

S Takuno, H Innan (2009) Selection to maintain paralogous amino acid differences under the pressure of gene conversion in the heat-shock protein genes in yeast, Molecular biology and evolution, 26 (12), 2655-2659

山道真人, 印南秀樹 (2009) ゲノムワイド関連マッピング (< 連載 3> 始めよう! エコゲノミクス (2)), 日本生態学会誌, 59 (1), 105-113

山道真人, 印南秀樹 (2009) 集団内変異データが語る過去: 解析手法と理論的背景 (その 1)(< 連載 3> 始めよう! エコゲノミクス (3)), 日本生態学会誌, 59 (3), 339-349

J Gojobori, H Innan (2009) Fish opsin gene duplications and their role for new adaptive functions, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 84 (6), 444-444

T Kado, JR Arguello, M Long, W Wang, H Innan (2009) A method for estimating crossing-over and gene conversion rate, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 84 (6), 467-467

K Teshima, H Innan (2009) Generating samples of DNA sequences with a biallelic site under selection, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 84 (6), 466-466

S Mansai, H Innan (2009) The power of the methods for detecting gene conversion between duplicated genes, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 84 (6), 467-467


L Gao, H Innan (2008) Nonindependent Domestication of the Two Rice Subspecies, Oryza sativa ssp. indica and ssp. japonica, Demonstrated by Multilocus Microsatellites, Genetics, 179 (2), 965-976

H Innan, Y Kim (2008) Detecting local adaptation using the joint sampling of polymorphism data in the parental and derived populations, Genetics, 179 (3), 1713-1720

KM Teshima, H Innan (2008) Neofunctionalization of duplicated genes under the pressure of gene conversion, Genetics, 178 (3), 1385-1398

N Osada, H Innan (2008) Duplication and Gene Conversion in the Drosophila melanogaster Genome, PLoS genetics, 4 (12), e1000305

S Mano, H Innan (2008) The evolutionary rate of duplicated genes under concerted evolution, Genetics, 180 (1), 493-505

S Takuno, T Nishio, Y Satta, H Innan (2008) Preservation of a pseudogene by gene conversion and diversifying selection, Genetics, 180 (1), 517-531

C Than, R Sugino, H Innan, L Nakhleh (2008) Efficient inference of bacterial strain trees from genome-scale multilocus data, Bioinformatics, 24 (13), i123-i131

S Takuno, H Innan (2008) Evolution of complexity in miRNA-mediated gene regulation systems, Trends in Genetics, 24 (2), 56-59

KR Takahasi, H Innan (2008) The direction of linkage disequilibrium: a new measure based on the ancestral-derived status of segregating alleles, Genetics, 179 (3), 1705-1712

山道真人, 印南秀樹 (2008) 始めよう! エコゲノミクス (1), 日本生態学会誌, 58, 241-247

KR Takahasi, H Innan (2008) Inferring the process of human–chimpanzee speciation, eLS,


M Yamamichi, H Innan (2008) No genetic evidence for complex speciation of humans and chimpanzees, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 83 (6), 524-524

H Innan (2008) Two-locus models with interaction between loci and their applications, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 83 (6), 533-533

H Innan (2008) Hideki Innan* and Yuseob Kim-SOKEN, Genetics, 179, 1713-1720

KR Takhasi, H Innan (2008) Population and evolutionary genetics-The direction of linkage disequilibrium: A new measure based on the ancestral-derived status of segregating alleles, Genetics, 179 (3), 1705


C Than, D Ruths, H Innan, L Nakhleh (2007) Confounding factors in HGT detection: statistical error, coalescent effects, and multiple solutions, Journal of computational biology, 14 (4), 517-535

H Araki, H Innan, M Kreitman, J Bergelson (2007) Molecular Evolution of Pathogenicity-Island Genes in Pseudomonas viridiflava, Genetics, 177 (2), 1031-1041

S Mano, H Innan (2007) The evolutionary rate of multigene family under concerted evolution, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 82 (6), 530-530

S Takuno, T Nishio, H Innan (2007) The effect of gene conversion on generating genetic diversity of duplicated genes under multi-allelic balancing selection, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 82 (6), 530-530

H Innan, K Takahasi (2007) The direction of linkage disequilibrium: A new measure based on ancestral-derived status of segregating alleles, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 82 (6), 530-530


RP Sugino, H Innan (2006) Selection for more of the same product as a force to enhance concerted evolution of duplicated genes, Trends in Genetics, 22 (12), 642-644

H Innan, H Watanabe (2006) The effect of gene flow on the coalescent time in the human-chimpanzee ancestral population, Molecular biology and evolution, 23 (5), 1040-1047

H Innan (2006) Modified Hudson–Kreitman–Aguadé test and two-dimensional evaluation of neutrality tests, Genetics, 173 (3), 1725-1733

C Than, D Ruths, H Innan, L Nakhleh (2006) Identifiability issues in phylogeny-based detection of horizontal gene transfer, Comparative Genomics: RECOMB, 2006 International Workshop, RCG 2006 Montreal …

L Nakhleh, D Ruths, H Innan (2006) Meta-analysis and Combining Information in Genetics and Genomics, Chapman & Hall/CRC. chapter Gene trees, species trees, and species networks …,

S Kawamura, C Hiramatsu, T Tsutsui, H Innan, A Melin, L Fedigan et al. (2006) Biological significance of color vision polymorphisin in wild New World monkeys evaluated by population genetics and behavioral observation, GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS, 81 (6), 425-425

S Kawamura, T Tsutsui, C Hiramatsu, AD Melin, LM Fedigan et al. (2006) Trichromacy is not necessarily advantageous in New World monkeys: toward understanding the frequent color-vision deficiencies in humans, ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 114 (3), 240-240


H Innan, K Zhang, P Marjoram, S Tavaré, NA Rosenberg (2005) Statistical tests of the coalescent model based on the haplotype frequency distribution and the number of segregating sites, Genetics, 169 (3), 1763-1777

RP Sugino, H Innan (2005) Estimating the time to the whole-genome duplication and the duration of concerted evolution via gene conversion in yeast, Genetics, 171 (1), 63-69


H Innan, Y Kim (2004) Pattern of polymorphism after strong artificial selection in a domestication event, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101 (29), 10667-10672

L Gao, H Innan (2004) Very low gene duplication rate in the yeast genome, Science, 306 (5700), 1367-1370

KM Teshima, H Innan (2004) The effect of gene conversion on the divergence between duplicated genes, Genetics, 166 (3), 1553-1560

C Wiuf, K Zhao, H Innan, M Nordborg (2004) The Probability and Chromosomal Extent of trans-specific Polymorphism, Genetics, 168 (4), 2363-2372

H Innan (2004) Theories for analyzing polymorphism data in duplicated genes, Genes & genetic systems, 79 (2), 65-75

L Gao, H Innan (2004) Evolution: Very Low Gene Duplication Rate in the Yeast Genome, SCIENCE-NEW YORK THEN WASHINGTON-, 1367-1369


ER Liman, H Innan (2003) Relaxed selective pressure on an essential component of pheromone transduction in primate evolution, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100 (6), 3328-3332

H Innan (2003) A two-locus gene conversion model with selection and its application to the human RHCE and RHD genes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100 (15), 8793-8798

H Innan (2003) The coalescent and infinite-site model of a small multigene family, Genetics, 163 (2), 803-810

H Innan, B Padhukasahasram, M Nordborg (2003) The pattern of polymorphism on human chromosome 21, Genome Research, 13 (6a), 1158-1168

M Nordborg, H Innan (2003) The genealogy of sequences containing multiple sites subject to strong selection in a subdivided population, Genetics, 163 (3), 1201-1213

H Innan, W Stephan (2003) Distinguishing the hitchhiking and background selection models, Genetics, 165 (4), 2307-2312

H Innan, M Nordborg (2003) The extent of linkage disequilibrium and haplotype sharing around a polymorphic site, Genetics, 165 (1), 437-444


H Innan, M Nordborg (2002) Recombination or mutational hot spots in human mtDNA?, Molecular biology and evolution, 19 (7), 1122-1127

M Nordborg, H Innan (2002) Molecular population genetics, Current opinion in plant biology, 5 (1), 69-73

H Innan (2002) A method for estimating the mutation, gene conversion and recombination parameters in small multigene families, Genetics, 161 (2), 865-872

H Innan, F Tajima (2002) A statistical test for the difference in the amounts of DNA variation between two populations, Genetics Research, 80 (1), 15-25

H Innan, B Padhukasa-hasram, M Nordborg (2002) The pattern of polymorphism on human chromosome 21, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS, 71 (4), 354-354

H INNAN, F TAJIMA (2002) The effect of selection on the amounts of nucleotide variation within and between allelic classes, Genetical Research= Genetical Research, 80 (1), 15-25


E Baudry, C Kerdelhué, H Innan, W Stephan (2001) Species and recombination effects on DNA variability in the tomato genus, Genetics, 158 (4), 1725-1735

H Innan, W Stephan (2001) Selection intensity against deleterious mutations in RNA secondary structures and rate of compensatory nucleotide substitutions, Genetics, 159 (1), 389-399


H Innan, W Stephan (2000) The Coalescent in an Exponentially Growing Metapopulation and Its Application to Arabidopsis thaliana, Genetics, 155 (4), 2015-2019


NT Miyashita, A Kawabe, H Innan (1999) DNA variation in the wild plant Arabidopsis thaliana revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis, Genetics, 152 (4), 1723-1731

H Innan, R Terauchi, G Kahl, F Tajima (1999) A method for estimating nucleotide diversity from AFLP data, Genetics, 151 (3), 1157-1164

H Innan, F Tajima (1999) The effect of selection on the amounts of nucleotide variation within and between allelic classes, Genetics Research, 73 (1), 15-28

NT Miyasihta, A Kawabe, H Innan (1999) Archaea Genetics-INVESTIGATIONS-DNA variation in the wild plant Arabidopsis thaliana revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis, Genetics, 152 (4), 1723-1732


NT Miyashita, A Kawabe, H Innan, R Terauchi (1998) Intra-and interspecific DNA variation and codon bias of the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) locus in Arabis and Arabidopsis species., Molecular biology and evolution, 15 (11), 1420-1429

F Tajima, K Misawa, H Innan (1998) The amount and pattern of DNA polymorphism under the neutral mutation hypothesis, Mutation and Evolution, 103-107


H Innan, R Terauchi, NT Miyashita (1997) Microsatellite Polymorphism in Natural Populations of the Wild Plant Arabidopsis thaliana, Genetics, 146 (4), 1441-1452

A Kawabe, H Innan, R Terauchi, NT Miyashita (1997) Nucleotide polymorphism in the acidic chitinase locus (ChiA) region of the wild plant Arabidopsis thaliana., Molecular Biology and Evolution, 14 (12), 1303-1315

H Innan, F Tajima (1997) The amounts of nucleotide variation within and between allelic classes and the reconstruction of the common ancestral sequence in a population, Genetics, 147 (3), 1431-1444


H Innan, F Tajima, R Terauchi, NT Miyashita (1996) Intragenic Recombination in the Adh Locws of the Wild Plant Arabidopsis thaliana, Genetics, 143 (4), 1761-1770

NT Miyashita, H Innan, R Terauchi (1996) Intra-and interspecific variation of the alcohol dehydrogenase locus region in wild plants Arabis gemmifera and Arabidopsis thaliana., Molecular biology and evolution, 13 (2), 433-436


H INNAN, R TERAUCHI, NT MIYASHITA, K TSUNEWAKI (1995) DNA fingerprinting study on the intraspecific variation and the origin of Prunus yedoensis (Someiyoshino), The Japanese Journal of Genetics, 70 (2), 185-196

Last updated June 09, 2023
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