Evo-Devo: Are there any general rules between ontogeny (embryogenesis) and phylogeny (evolution)? Classic hypothesis proposed that we passed through fish-like stage when we were fetus, but does this have
something to do with our evolutionary history?
Evolvability/Evolutionary Prediction: Bodyplan evolution seems to be very conservative when compared to other features (e.g. size, coat color), but why? Can we quantitate which animals, phenotypes, or developmental system tends to evolve more?
Is it possible that we quantitate evolvability (or constrained status) of animal features?
Evolvedness: Which developmental systems of animal species are more evolved? Can we say tadpole stage of frogs are more ancestral, and later stages (e.g., adult) are more evolved?
Others: We are chimera by nature, having maternal cells in our body, but what are the roles of these microchimeric cells? Is there a possibility that maternal cess are involved in an onset/progress of fetal disease?
We'll jump into whatever we feel it exciting, and we welcome students / postdocs to propose any other research topics.