Evo-Devo: Are there any general rules between ontogeny (embryogenesis) and phylogeny (evolution)? Classic hypothesis proposed that we passed through fish-like stage when we were fetus, but does this have
something to do with our evolutionary history?
Evolvability/Evolutionary Prediction: Bodyplan evolution seems to be very conservative when compared to other features (e.g. size, coat color), but why? Can we quantitate which animals, phenotypes, or developmental system tends to evolve more?
Is it possible that we quantitate evolvability (or constrained status) of animal features?
Evolvedness: Which developmental systems of animal species are more evolved? Can we say tadpole stage of frogs are more ancestral, and later stages (e.g., adult) are more evolved?
Others: We are chimera by nature, having maternal cells in our body, but what are the roles of these microchimeric cells? Is there a possibility that maternal cess are involved in an onset/progress of fetal disease?
We'll jump into whatever we feel it exciting, and we welcome students / postdocs to propose any other research topics.
Whether or not there exists a general relationship between ontogeny (deveopment) and phylogeny (evolution) has been a long argued issue since 19th century (e.g. Ernst Haeckel's recapitulation theory). Several models have been
proposed, however, no consensus has been made to this problem (some argued that the problem is no longer a issue of "modern biology", but just a fairy story). We started tackling this issue from molecular perspective,
and found that the evolutionary divergence of vertebrate embryos follow the developmental hourglass model (Originally proposed by Dr. Denis Duboule in 1994).
Did you know that the back shell of turtles are composed of vertebrae and ribs? This means that their arms (especially shoulder blades) are inside of thir ribcage, which is opposite to positionings. In addition to this, turtles have strange morphological features, and thus they have once believed as early diverged (so to say,, old) reptile groups. However, based on sequences of genomic DNA, we confirmed that they are close relatives of birds, dinosaurs, and crocodiles.
What is important for us, we found that even this strange animal embryogenesis follow the rule of embryonic evolution predicted by the developmental hourglass model.Did you know that we are chimera by nature? Maternal cells that somehow migrated into our body is known to be circulating our body, no matter how old you are. Then what are they doing in our body? One possible
roles of them is to help repairing our damaged tissues, and several studies actually supported this. On the other hand, some congenital disease have higher frequency of maternal cells, and some, including us, are speculating
that these maternal cells could be involved in the onset or augmentation aggravation of some of these congenital disease. We still do not have strong evidences for this, but if this was the case, it means that we may have a way
to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Together with pediatric surgeons, we found that patients of biliary atresia have much higher maternal microchimeric cells in liver, and they had higher immunological compatibility to
their mothers.
- Related publications -
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition, Volume 49, Issue 4, 488-492, 2009
Pediatrics, 121 (3), Mar 1, 2008
Offsprings of placental mammals inherit variety of information from their mother, including maternal cells. These cells, so called maternal microchimeric cells, migrate not only when we were embryos, but
also during breast feeding, and remain in our body throughout our life. But what for? What kind of cells they are? By applying single cell RNAseq technology to mice embryos, we,
for the first time, clarified major cell types of the maternal cells. While majority of cells were immune related cells, stem cells, and even terminally differentiated cells were detected.
We further found that neonatal immune cells get activated when maternal cells were removed, suggesting that maternal cells may be involved in repressing over-activatino of neonatal immune system.
What was surprising was that although transfer of maternal cells occur in all pregnant cases, their frequency and cell types vary greatly from child to child, even among children born to the same parents.
This interindividual variation may potentially explain the fact that mother-derived cells contribute not only to avoid immunological conflicts between mother and child, but also to seemingly conflicting phenomena,
such as their alleged role in certain congenital abnormalities.
- Related publications -
Scientific Reports,volume 12, Article number: 18313 (2022)
Biology Open, Biol Open (2022) 11 (11): bio059334.
PLOS ONE (2021) 16(12): e0261357