Press Release Archives

  • 江戸時代の食の均質性はどのくらい?

    How homogeneous was the human diet in premodern mainland Japan?
    "Anthropological Science Acievement Award for Young Investigators"!

  • 適応進化の時計は辺境ほどゆっくり進む

    The clock of adaptive evolution moves more slowly at the periphery.

  • オタマジャクシも数がわかる?

    Can a tadpole count?

  • 高精度ゲノム解読が紡ぐソバの過去と未来

    High-precision genome decoding weaves the past and future of soba (©️Hoshino Robin).

  • 評判を通じた協力の進化的安定性

    Evolutionary Stability of Cooperation through Reputation - Indirect Reciprocity Functions even in Uncertain Situations -